Monday, April 1, 2013

we know nothing about olive oil

That's what the person interviewed on Fresh Air just said in a book called Gulp which details the intricacies of our bodies, Mary Roche?. 

Tomorrow I have an important conversation. I'm speaking with someone to discern some way that my twin vocations of art and ministry might combine, help people, and provide a living. 

I wrote on a friend's status, that my feelings about the Braves, formed at the height of the awful 1970s, but with Aaron and Niekro being excellent, are bone deep. I told Jami that I don't know statistics like some people know today. I always have to look up WAR and era+ and why k/bb ratios are important. But I love the game. I loved playing it, even though I wasn't any good and quit in middle school. It is a beautiful game to me. 

This season, with the Uptons and Heyward in the outfield, and Tehran and Minor and Medlen coming into form behind Hudson and Maholm, excites me.

My faith feels invigorated. Lately I read more Rumi and Whitman. I read Deleuze and Blanchot and Lacan and Zizek. And for all that, I get something out of Galatians. I get something out of the OT and the Parables.  

I feel good about this year. 

 The past is over and done.

So glad.

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